When Marinette asks Tikki why they're out of the box, Tikki says that now that she's the Guardian, the Miracle Box is in her likeness. Marinette then presses a button on top of the box and all of the Kwamis break out of the Miracle Box and messes around with all her stuff. Tikki explains to Marinette that all the Kwamis are in the Box except Duusu and Nooroo. Meanwhile, Marinette asks Tikki if every kwami is inside the Miracle Box. Nooroo explains what’s going on and Gabriel fuses the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous and transforms into a more powerful version of Hawk Moth - Shadow Moth. After the Miraculous is fixed, a joyful Duusu comes out of it to see Nooroo, questioning where Nathalie was. He pours dust of meteorites into molten gold, then adds a Peacock Feather, and later injects it into the Peacock Miraculous and commands, "Miraculous, Repair Yourself". The episode starts with Nathalie's voice being heard in the background, describing the process required to fix the Peacock Miraculous, and Gabriel Agreste in his lair following the instructions as they are heard. Gabriel repairing the Peacock Miraculous. Using his power to force people to tell the truth, he wants to know Marinette’s secret… and Ladybug and Cat Noir’s, too! Deeply hurt that Marinette does not trust him enough to tell him her secret, Luka gets akumatized into Truth. The boy feels that Marinette has a secret, but she cannot tell him that when she slips away, she becomes Ladybug and saves Paris. She can no longer see her friends, deserts Cat Noir and misses all her dates with Luka. Like I said, there are some negatives but I won't go into them because I'm tired, and I do think that ultimately, the good still outweighs the bad.Ever since she became the new guardian of the Miracle Box, Marinette has been overwhelmed. The season ended on a tragic yet beautiful note, and I can't wait for what's to come in the next season! There's just so much character and plot development, which is always nice to see (would've liked a bit more for Lila though, and I'd like Kagami to have non-relationship related development still). It also makes me happy to know that Marinette is seeing the negative impact of trying to control everything and how harmful it can be, and that Adrien is starting to discover who he truly is a multifaceted character who isn't neither Adrien nor Cat Noir. Gabriel makes better plans and isn't as much of a smooth brain this season, which I can appreciate. The sentimonster theory was another highlight this season, and it truly makes the Agrestes appear more mysterious than ever. Felix and Alya really, really shine this season, and I love seeing their characters expanded like that. It's exciting seeing how every plot point, whether intentional or not, not only affects the mental health of Marinette and Adrien, but also introduces a new and exciting concept.

No, it isn't perfect there are some issues, but this is the first time that Miraculous characters are this aware of what's going on around them. This season has some amazing foreshadowing, story progression and shocking moments.

Na4 temporada foi novidade atra de novidade começando com todo peso em se gaudiam depois do mestre fu a sabe quem é a Ladybug e a alya sua melhor amiga e descobrem um jeito para impedir as akumatizações e apresentamos ao aguadiam celestial, descobrimos que Cloe tem uma irmã é muito melhor do que ela mais novos heropis são apresentados Gabriel descobre que a alya tem alhum privilegio entres os herois mas com um plano dela descombre nada e perdeu a pista da entra quem é a Ladybug depois Adrien descombre que seus amigo e a alta sabem suas indentides depois por causa de um vilão sem o Luca a indetidades seriam reveladas e agora luca sabe indetidades dos dois e agora sabe que Marienete e Adrien são feito um para o outros no episodio especial de 100 episodios descombrimos que Adrien é um seti-humano que sua mãe criou com o miraculos e não pode desobedece ordem que esta com aliança gemeas por causa de um oprdem do guadiam celestial ela descobre quem é o Cat Noir por causa disso ela se revela tambem assim por um outro erro Gabriel consegue o poder absoluto e se não fosse pelo miraculos da cobra que voltou no tempo o universo ia ser recriado no final a Ladybug ser a risca por causa de um akumatizado e confia um miraculos ao Felix se passando por adrien assim felix rouba todos os miraculos e dar para o Gabriel em troca do miraculos do pavão assim ele esta mais poderoso do que nunca e a batalha final se aproxima que so um vai ganha